Frequently Asked Questions
You have questions, we have answers. Browse our frequently asked questions here.
If you do not find the answer to the question you are seeking, please use the FEEDBACK FORM or REQUEST FORM. You can also call us directly at (808) 832-3100.
Yes. Hawaiʻi CARES partners with the National Suicide Prevention Line (NSPL) which provides tele-interpreter services in over 150 languages.
To prevent suicide, be kind to one another, be willing to listen to others expressing their feelings, offer hope that alternatives are available, remove means like weapons or substances, seek support for the situation at hand, and contact Hawaiʻi CARES 988.
Learn more about suicide prevention in our knowledge library here.
If someone you know is thinking about suicide, contact Hawaiʻi CARES 988 by calling or texting 988. If you have a number outside the (808) area code, please dial 808-832-3100. OPTION 1 will support suicidal individuals immediately.
Based on the individual’s needed level of care, mental health and substance use services costs will be determined by the individual’s insurance coverage. If an individual does NOT have insurance coverage, the Hawai‘i CARES 988 call representative will direct the individual to available resources under insurance coverage.
Hawai‘i CARES 988 will connect individuals to mental health treatment services through a network of contracted or affiliated providers of the State of Hawai‘i, Department of Health, Behavioral Health Administration, Adult Mental Health Division (AMHD) and Child & Adolescent Mental Health Division (CAMHD).
Hawai‘i CARES 988 will connect individuals to substance use treatment services through contracted or affiliated providers of the State of Hawai‘i, Department of Health, Behavioral Health Administration, Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division (ADAD).
The Hawai‘i CARES 988 Communications sector promotes ongoing community engagement and sharing of materials. If anyone would like to request Hawai‘i CARES 988 communications materials including business cards, magnets, flyers, posters, overview packets, and branding materials, please make an official request by filling out our CONTACT US form here.
The Hawai‘i CARES 988 Training sector offers ongoing in-service training for our community partners. We are also interested in learning more about what our community organizations offer. If your organization would like to conduct training for our Hawai‘i CARES 988 staff or would like to receive training about Hawai‘i CARES 988, please CONTACT US here.
We understand that individuals can have positive experiences and also suggestions for improvement. We do want to hear about all types of experiences so that we can do the best we can to meet the needs of our community.
The best way to submit feedback is through our online FEEDBACK FORM found here.
If you would like to provide feedback while on a call, you can always ask to speak with a team lead or manager when you are on a call.
If you have feedback related to a specific service that you are connected to (e.g experience with crisis services provided beyond the call center staff), you may contact the Department of Health, Adult Mental Health Division at 808-453-6924.
We work hard to make sure that everyone can reach Hawai‘i CARES 988 as quickly as possible. If you cannot connect, first hang up and try again.
If you call 988 from a Hawai‘i phone number (808) and are having trouble reaching a crisis counselor, please let us know using our Contact Us form.
If you are in a medical emergency or suicidal crisis and you cannot connect, please call 911.
Hawai‘i CARES 988 will provide information about or connect individuals to other organizations in the community as needed. There are multiple factors that impact individuals seeking behavioral health services and often additional support is needed. Below are some of our partners in our community who we connect to for additional resources or services as needed. Hawai‘i CARES 988 is not responsible in any way for the services of these organizations and cannot vouch for their quality or accessibility, but we provide this information in case it is useful to those seeking help.
Veterans Crisis Line
(800)-273-8255 (OPTION 1)
Aloha United Way (AUW)
(808)-275-2000 or 211
Effective October 1, 2021 the Isolation/Quarantine operations transferred to Aloha United Way from Hawaiʻi CARES 988.
Domestic Violence Action Center Helpline
Oahu (808) 531-3771
Toll-Free (800) 690-6200
Sexual Assault Center Hotlines
The Sex Abuse Treatment Center (Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children)
Oahu (808)-524-7273
YWCA Sexual Assault Treatment Program
24/7 Crisis Hotline
Maui (808)-873-8624
Moloka‘i (808)-495-3340
Lana‘i (866)-443-5702
Oahu (808)-524-7273
Kauai (808)-245-4144
Child and Family Services, Sexual Assault Support Services
Maui County (808)-873-8624
Moloka‘i (808)-495-3340
Lana‘i (866)-443-5702
National Human Trafficking Hotline
TTY: 711
TEXT 233733
Department of Human Services Hotlines
Child Welfare Services Hotline
Toll-Free (888)-380-3088
Child Trafficking Reporting Hotline
Toll-Free (888)-398-1188
Adult Protective Services Hotline
Mental Health America of Hawai’i
Oahu (808)-521-1846
Maui (808)-242-6461
STEP 1: When you call us, you’ll be greeted by a local Hawai‘i CARES 988 crisis counselor who will ask whether you have an urgent crisis or need non-urgent support.
STEP 2: Next, the Hawai‘i CARES 988 crisis counselor will ask you a few questions to get to know you and your specific situation.
For example, you may be asked for your name, age, and any health conditions we should know about. You may also be asked about your location, situation and what you’ve been going through.
Your call is secure and confidential. We encourage you to share details that will help address your needs.
STEP 3: Based on our conversation, we will help you figure out next steps.
We will link you with community supports that address your needs including, if appropriate, arranging for a Crisis Mobile Outreach (CMO) worker to meet with you in person.
Out-of-state individuals may contact Hawai‘i CARES 988 for limited support. Hawai‘i CARES 988 connects individuals to resources ONLY throughout the state of Hawai‘i. Hawai‘i CARES 988 crisis counselors will work to contact crisis services or 911 in another state if needed. For individuals seeking phone counseling, Hawaii CARES 988 will transfer out-of-state individuals to a warm-line.
Callers to 988 with an 808 number will likely get referred to Hawai‘i CARES 988, even if they are geographically located outside of the state. In those circumstances, the Hawai‘i CARES 988 will work to transfer you to your local call center nearest to you.
Callers to 988 with an out-of-state (non-808) phone number will not get referred to Hawai‘i CARES 988 but may be transferred to Hawai‘i CARES 988 if requested by the caller. If you wish to call Hawai‘i CARES 988 specifically, you are recommended to call the Hawai‘i CARES 988 phone number 808-832-3100.
Hawaiʻi CARES connects individuals to behavioral health services for FREE. Many services for mental health and substance use treatment to which Hawaiʻi CARES 988 refers are also free based on the individual’s insurance status.
Hawaiʻi CARES does NOT currently connect with the National Crisis Text Line, which is administered at a national level. However, Hawai’i CARES 988 receives texts directly by texting to 988.
In partnership with the National Suicide Prevention Line (NSPL), an easy-to-remember, three-digit mental health and crisis support number known as 988 will connect individuals to Hawaiʻi CARES 988. When dialing 988 from a Hawaiʻi phone number (area code 808), individuals will be routed to Hawaiʻi CARES 988 as the NSPL Hawaiʻi Chapter. If an individual is calling from a non-Hawaiʻi phone number, the call will be routed to the local chapter based on their phone’s area code.
Hawaiʻi CARES 988 representatives will connect to 911 as a last resort during a crisis call. If an individual in crisis is in imminent danger or refuses crisis support services, Hawaiʻi CARES 988 will dispatch 911 services.
Yes. When dialing 911, clients requesting crisis support in Hawai‘i will be connected to Hawaiʻi CARES 988. We encourage people contact 988 directly.
Calls to 988 with an 808 phone number will go to Hawaiʻi CARES 988. If you have a number outside the (808) area code, you must dial 808-832-3100 or 800-753-6879 to reach Hawai‘i CARES 988. If you use 988 and do not have an (808) area code number, your call will be routed to the local crisis hotline that is closest to your area code.
A Hawaiʻi CARES local representative known as a Crisis Counselor will pick up calls and assist as needed.
Individuals with an (808) area code number can contact Hawaiʻi CARES 988 by simply dialing 988, texting 988, or chatting 988. If you have a number outside the (808) area code, dial 808-832-3100 or 800-753-6879. Individuals can chat with the 988 Suicide Lifeline by visiting lifeline.org/chat.
Hawaiʻi CARES is a free 24/7 call center, chat and text service that connects individuals to crisis support, substance use, mental health, and other behavioral health services throughout the state of Hawaiʻi.