Substance Use Treatment and Recovery
Overcoming addiction may feel overwhelming and hopeless, but you are not alone. Hawai‘i CARES 988 partners with Aloha United Way 211 to provide Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Care Coordination. The service is a free and confidential. The service connects individuals with local treatment programs and recovery support services for Substance Use Disorder.
Care Coordinators are trained SUD specialists who offer guidance and encouragement for taking the next steps of your recovery journey.
They are available for anyone who doesn’t know where to turn, including individuals struggling with addiction to alcohol and/or drugs (prescription and illicit), or family members or friends that need extra support.
How We Help: Substance Use Disorder Services
Share your story
SUD Care Coordinators are here to listen and help. During your first call, your coordinator will ask you a series of questions to get to know you – such as your name, age, and any health conditions we should know about. We’ll also ask about your location and what you’ve been going through. These details will help us better understand and address your unique needs to get you the right help.
Find local Substance Use Disorder (SUD) services
Based on your conversation, your coordinator will search the Department of Health Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division (ADAD) treatment statewide database to find the best referral you may be eligible for. From nearby rehabilitation centers to ongoing counseling services, we’ll ensure we place you with the treatment program that best serves your healing and recovery.
Even if you do not have health insurance or might not be sure about how to pay for your treatment, there are ways to help cover the cost of treatment. We will work with you regardless of your insurance status.
Receive ongoing Care Coordination support
In some cases, with your consent, Care Coordinators will follow up with a treatment provider, the judiciary (probation/parole), or other case managers to coordinate SUD services/care. If you are in a place to learn how we can help you find the care you need, we are your first stop on the road to help you in your health and wellness.
If you have a number that is outside the (808) area code and wish to be connected with a Hawai‘i CARES 988 local crisis counselor, please use our direct number. (808-832-3100) or toll-free (800-753-6879).
Did you know that Aloha United Way 211 provides help for more than substance use?
Aloha United Way 211 Specialists are trained to help you find food, shelter, financial assistance, childcare, parenting support, kūpuna care, disability services, job training and more. The service is free and confidential.
211 is a trusted partner with Hawai‘i CARES 988 and serves as Hawai‘i’s leading statewide helpline that connects people with the social services they want and may not know they need. 211 provides a hand up and a safety net by being a unified resource connecting those in search of social needs.