Aloha United Way 211 Specialists are trained to help you find food, shelter, financial assistance, childcare, parenting support, kūpuna care, disability services, job training and more. The service is free and confidential.
211 is a trusted partner with Hawai‘i CARES 988 and serves as Hawai‘i’s leading statewide helpline that connects people with the social services they want and may not know they need. 211 provides a hand up and a safety net by being a unified resource connecting those in search of social needs.
211 is a partner in the state’s emergency management plan, as well as city and county plans across the islands.
211 has the ability to mobilize statewide during times of disaster. 211 is a member of VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster) and is able to provide referrals during a crisis or disaster.
211 relieves pressure on the 9-1-1 phone system for non-emergency calls.
211 is a vital point of contact for emergency responders to share up-to-date information on shelter locations, evacuation, routes, road closures and public health advisories.
211 has been a critical resource for disseminating information and referrals related to the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccinations, flooding, hurricane, eruptions and other emergencies.